Witch Hazel

Inspired by my neighbour’s beautiful Witch Hazel I have planted two but they are only 18” tall and not in bloom whilst hers is ablaze.  She gave me a huge wand of it and this little sprig from that looks beautiful by the fire.  It’s a plant that always reminds me of N’s mother who was proud of the tree by her front door. 

Went for a walk with JG which really helped my back no end so I could then clear pots of old geraniums all of which have been totally killed by frost.  I think it’s the first time i haven’t managed to overwinter a geranium which is partly the cold snap and partly the aspect here 

The rain mainly held off today so i spent as much time outside as i could before going into the barn office to do some pre work prep for the week ahead.  

Watched The Northman which I found uninteresting and impenetrable.  I normally like a film with a lot of battles but this left me cold.  No real sense of character.  

A simple New Year’s Day 

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