Writing a card

Mum is punctilious about sending birthday cards and this is her writing Sue’s for Wednesday. The village shop sells them so we walked up there in the sunshine after lunch - it’s slim pickings for sure!  A beautiful day after all the rain and the hills around glowed gold 

A day of catching up before tomorrow’s work starts.  We went up to the neighbours to get our new wills signed which I dropped off at the solicitors before picking up goodies at M&S for Mum.  

Spent most of the evening reading Shardlake, the 6th book which is as good as all the others and is my holiday treat before watching the first ep of Happy Valley which is as powerful a start as ever. 

Drank the last glass of wine with dinner - dry January commences tomorrow (I’ll go a couple of days into Feb to compensate for the holidays) I’ve done it before but not for a couple of years and find I’m really looking forward to it this year…let’s see how long that lasts. 

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