Schooner Curious

Out to explore with a man (and his dog) who knows how to weave and dodge around the frozen ‘hood. For we needed to gain access to the west harbour, sealed off by the evil developers, to check on the poor old schooner, Runagate. Broken in two it is. Having completed our task we found an easy exit so I’ll be back at low tide to take a few more photos.
That whetted my appetite for a bit of exercise so I pulled on my walking boots and walked four miles, ascending a dizzying 200ft, to Tynecastle Park. Bring on the Hi-bees! We whipped their asses. Though actually we were second best for much of the second half, hanging on to a 2-0 lead. Until we scored a third. 
Oh how the pub rocked. Infectious stuff. Maybe not the best time to reflect on a piece today's Guardian - Sobriety is having its moment. "Sober-curious" or "mindful drinking" are now familiar phrases.
Sober-curious, eh? It’s been a while. 

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