You want my opinion?

More walking. After a slow start. Round that neighbourhood with Messrs Sandbrook and Holland in my ear. The Rest is History. Pretty entertaining and informative stuff, actually. Later, finished off Russia 1985–1999: TraumaZone, Adam Curtis’s amazing immersive series about the collapse of communism and democracy in the USSR. Before that we’d devoured Picture Stores, a film released in 2021 about Picture Post. Lordy, it’s all worthy stuff. This is how we mean to go on in 2023. I tell yer though, we watched twenty minutes of Mayflies. Bafflingly it’s been universally lauded. OK, I‘m not a Martin Compston fan. He got lucky with Ken Loach when he was going nowhere as a footballer. And putting on academic glasses doesn’t make him remotely like an acclaimed novelist. He reads the script. BBC in-house style. River City meets Shetland. At least the SK and I were of like mind and off it went. 
Soon, back to Cabinet of Curiosities. Whoah. That’s a series.

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