
By Veronica

Blast from the past

Christmas lights in the village have come and gone in the 11 years I've been blipping, but this one has stayed the course. It was the subject of my first blip on 4 January 2012. So it seems appropriate to blip it today (although it doesn't really make up for the absence of Christmas lights in Carcassonne yesterday). 

Blipfoto doesn't count this as an anniversary as I've missed so many days -- 612 to be precise. Still, it's a milestone to me. But I don't really have much more to say except that I had no inkling when I started that I'd still be here 11 years later -- I didn't even think I'd make 365 days.

It was the first gym session of the year today! We did lots of biceps and triceps. That's another thing I never expected to do -- buy weights for gym classes.

Anyway, thanks to all of the blippers who put up with my ramblings even though I often don't have time to comment, and to the excellent crew at Blip Central. And waves to all the people I've met in real life thanks to Blipfoto!

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