Cavolo nero

A busy day…first a swim and then a bike ride to the allotment as I have not been there for ages. My friend who I share the plot with has been busy digging up old raspberry canes and spreading both manure ( from local stable) and also leaf mould - a big mound appeared , not sure from where.
There are a few leeks, some broccoli which will hopefully soon be ready and lots of cavolo nero as in the blip. This was taken with the iPhone on portrait mode which seems to work well. After the allotment I went past Hampton Court Palace and along the river…lots of people out walking today as it was quite sunny at the time.

I also went to a local garden centre and bought some primroses to replace cyclamens and primroses  that died with the severe frost . Then I sorted out all the pots etc in the garden and was pleased to see all my pots of bulbs have shoots.

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