
By Fisherking

......surprise, surprise.......

A day of surprises................starting at 10.00 last night.

Felt a twinge in my left the time I stood up to come home from a beer with D and B....I couldn't bear any weight on my left leg....and had a pain like a hot knife just below the knee cap.

No better this morning....went to the doctors.....a strained cruciate ligament was the diagnosis....24 to 48 hours rest and anti-inflammatory drugs.....and then I remembered. Yesterday when I got home, the Boss asked me to spread another two 25 kilo bags of slate....see past I carried one bag I tripped on the new edging....the wet bag slipped out of my left hand....I made an instinctive grab and caught balance...all weight on left side....that must be what caused the damage....but no pain until the swelling came up.

So...a day off work....fortunately only two lessons to be covered.

Another surprise this morning when just briefly snow flakes fell....and then turned to hail.

This afternoon a huge thunderstorm rolled in.....and then the Sun came out.

Watched the parade on the TV....and the computer....switching between the two.

Just five minutes ago the last surprise...........the noisy neighbours have sacked Mankini. I don't like the man....I don't think he's that good as a manager....I find his excuses....particularly the one about not having enough to spend on transfers...pathetic.......but....sacked after three years? 35 years without a trophy...and he delivers the FA Cup, The Charity Shield and the Premiership in three years...............and he gets the sack. What is happening to that token SAF would have been out at Utd before he even began winning trophies.....our new manager would have been sacked by Everton 8 years ago...... and Arsene Whinger would have been fired by Arsenal five years ago!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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