At the quilt shop!

So much rain in the night and on and off all day lots more heavy showers. Not good for even a dog walk or any outdoor activities!

This blip is in a local quilt shop. They have lots of quilts on display and lots of kits you can make. I did not need any fabric today but went there to get some sewing thread as I could not find any black or white thread to use in a sewing machine in Kingston. I was amazed that in this John Lewis ( in their now much reduced haberdashery section) there were many colours of thread in a big display but absolutely no black or white. Is there a shortage because it’s imported? At the quilt shop they had very little too and the lady was unaware of why. 

Now to watch episode 2 of Happy Valley…….not the interview with Prince Harry. Crazy the attention he is drawing to himself re his book…it’s publication will surely make his situation and reputation worse. 

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