Todd the otter…

To day we looked after our grandchildren as their school had an INSET day but their parents were back to work.

Despite the cold we decided to go to the WWT at Barnes and we were pleasantly surprised with the lack of traffic getting there and the lack of other people there…the least people we have ever seen there!

We had a good walk round about half the reserve seeing many species of ducks and geese, and then went to see the otters, Todd and Holly being fed at 11am. As there were so few people we got a front row seat! The keeper gives an informative talk about the otters and one of the things he emphasises was that they do not have webbed feet…as you can see in the photo. Today they seemed reluctant to go into the very cold water and did not swim around or go through the tunnels like they usually do.

This afternoon we spent some time at home, they made some Birthday cards for friends and we played some games which they had been given for Christmas.

Very chilly so the thermals were needed today. About 3-5C all day and some flurries of snow too.

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