Umbrellas to the Fore

Thank goodness for helpful, patient neighbours. The kindly young man who ordered the Amazon TV Fire Stick for me came round and set it up. The physical plugging in was difficult enough because both TVs are on the wall but the installing, down loading info and uploading passwords for all the programmes, seemed interminable Thin arms , long fingers and a young brain seem to be a requisite.
The original problem with the ‘No signal’ will be addressed tomorrow ……at a price.

I stravaiged down to M&S this morning and needless to say was horrified at the no of visitors still here and still dragging cases behind them. I can’t help wondering if they have homes to go to as I slow down to walk at the pace of the 3 people dragging 5 cases ahead of me on the pavement. As for the condition of the pavements, they are a disgrace. It is best when using them to walk like a dressage horse, lifting one’s feet high off the ground while simultaneously watching the ground lest one of the myriad displaced paving slabs causes a fall.

The blip portrays the use of umbrellas in the very different weather conditions morning and afternoon

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