Off to Pastures new

Not only are the Pandas taking their leave of Edinburgh but it appears the Meadows’ lions are on the move too. I bet they are all looking to some better weather wherever they are going.

It was so wet and depressing this morning that a warm bed seemed a really good alternative to braving the weather and that is exactly where my swimming partner was when I phoned from a rainy George Square to see if I had missed her in the dark. She had slept in. The thought of wet sand combined with rain and a very low tide was enough to make me relieved to forget the dook, turn tail and go home.

A TV Engineer arrived this afternoon to diagnose the root of the ‘no signal’ on my 2 teles and to sort it. The BT signal was ok but apparently the power to the amplifier had gone. His conversation might just as well have been in Swahili for what I understood of his conversation about the innards of the box of gubbins.When the power plug was replaced all was well….. except my bank balance which will get a shock when the invoice arrives.

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