Here I Go Again

Makeup on, check. Wig on, check. Freshly laundered costume donned, check. Adoring public clamouring for seats for tonight’s performance? Errrrm - not so much.
Yep, it’s time for the second week of the pantomime and the first of five performances between now and Saturday night. It’s always a weird one, coming back after a break, because you need to get straight back into the mood whilst at the same time trying to remember all the lines!
On the plus side though, I am feeling quite a bit better so will hopefully be able to give a more energetic performance. Tonight’s audience might be the smallest of the run, but experience suggests that what they may lack in numbers, they will make up for in enthusiasm.
I’ve had to cheat slightly and use a picture taken previously, as I’m writing this before I go on stage, but my appearance tonight will be as in the picture. And, who knows, I might even be able to “sing” my song tonight, rather than just croaking it!

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