
There is a good reason for labelling items that are put in the freezer.  Last night I took out a few blueberries for breakfast but wasn't at all impressed when I ate some with my Special K (other varieties are available, sometimes).  They were incredibly sour and it took a few minutes for the penny to drop that they were actually blackcurrants.

It was bright but blowing a gale when I ventured out for a walk, but it wasn't cold, so not unpleasant.  The men were working in the bluebell wood so I stopped for a chat, having already discovered what they were up to, having asked on our Parklands WhatsApp group.

They are cutting down the hazel, which is then being hedge-laid around the edge of the bluebell wood, to stop people wandering in amongst them when they are flowering.  The round structures are to protect the young hazel shoots from being nibbled by muntjac and rabbits.  I will photograph it when it's men-free.  

I think the idea is that eventually the whole bluebell wood will be inaccessible to walkers, but could be viewed from the main path.

The long-tailed tits were in on the fat balls this morning, but didn't hang around to be photographed, so it's a blue tit on the fence instead.

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