Another fall

I actually cannot believe that I'm writing that the jedi is ill again.  Two whole days he was fine for and then last night in bed for over 3 hours he was screaming in pain. His head, his face, his mouth. I gave him as much meds as I could  and climbed in with him until he settled. I then slept in the fire engine bed. 
This has been him on and off all day. Screaming and so upset.  I had a good look in his mouth when he fell asleep on me. His teeth and gums look ok.  His cheek is puffy. A couple of my friends thought he has mumps but I think it must be a sinus infection.  He's never had that before.  

Lincoln had a bad fall outside tesco. He knocked a tooth out, twisted another and scraped and puffed up his nose.  He was screaming,  there was blood which he didn't like and bless he was so upset.  Thankfully he let me wipe all the mud of him and clean him up. He has a scrape and a puffy knee too. 

I've not long gave the jedi more meds . He goes from being so upset to looking happy like blippi. But I expect I'll be in for a long night again.  
Happy Saturday 

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