Here we go again!


Auditorium, Radio France

Very nice Saturday, despite near constant drizzle. We had crepes at Chez-Germain, J and my first time on this trip, but a favourite spot for R, T, C and M that did not disappoint. Then with T, we visited the Pinault collection at the Bourse - small, since they are between shows, but interesting for T to see the building and we had fun identifying countries in the Amri Sala maps & engravings. We stopped in at Saint-Eustache (see extra) and did some yarn shopping for me at Lil Weasel, a nice discovery in the Passage du Grand Cerf.

In the evening, we went to hear a concert of music by Nadia Boulanger and others in her circle (Bernstein, Fauré, Ibert, Gershwin). It was fantastic and we both really enjoyed it! I hadn't been to a concert in ages (thanks, covid). This photo shows the hall before it started. Short walk home, but the rain was coming down pretty steadily at that point.

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