
No.1 had an appointment at Guys this morning (early start - 9.30am appointment).  She met JC for her appointment and I went off for a wander around Bermondsey and London Bridge.  I worked in Borough High Street many moons ago - a temp job for the Probation and aftercare service - I tried to find the office but I suspect it is long gone.  I also worked at Price Waterhouse and the building was on the spot where the Shard now stands.  I walked past a church - St George the Martyr and went inside for a moment of quiet reflection and prayer.  I hope he was listening?  I then spent a relaxing half an hour in the John Harvard Library, reading the paper and drinking a coffee and wondered why I still buy books when libraries are a great source of reading material?  I met No.1 after her appointment and we had a wander and found a fun coffee house called Fuckoffee - which made me smile.  Another coffee and danish pastry (two coffees in a day is most unlike me).  We had a slow stroll back to London Bridge and were stopped by a very sad, cold looking man asking for money.  I offered to buy him a coffee but he said he was cold and was trying to raise £20 to pay for a hostel.  I doubt this was the case but it was cold and nobody should be on the streets in the 21st century so No.1 and I both gave him a fiver.  I asked him to spend it wisely and not on drink or drugs but who knows?

We caught the train back home and had a productive afternoon on life admin whilst OH finished painting her chair.  I made some cakes (which will be a bit sad as I only had a small amount of mixed fruit and no cherries!).

Not a bad day.

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