The Enemy

We had to take our truck to the upholstery shop at 10:00. While I waited for hubby in my car, I noticed this empty “bagworm”cocoon. These terribly harmful moth/grub like insects can completely defoliate and sometimes kill certain trees in our area. According to an online article, “Bagworms love juniper, arborvitae, spruce, pine, and cedar trees, but they will also nest in various shrubs and plants.” “While deciduous broadleaf trees can recover from the defoliation that bagworms cause, conifers are often severely impacted, and sometimes killed outright by large infestations of bagworms,” Ryan Armbrust said. It is almost impossible to see the worms on trees and very hard to get rid of them once they are inside their cocoon. We went home and I started a load of laundry. Hubby and I pulled out the boxes that store our Christmas decorations. I began undressing the Rec room tree until my sister and BIL stopped by to discuss/plan a possible WV trip next month. The only commitment I have is to watch Trek on 17 February. Hopefully we can plan around that day. Hubby and I went out for lunch and picked up the truck. Only because we had nothing else pressing, we waited an hour to be seated in the restaurant. The truck’s headliner looks so much better. Hubby takes great care of our vehicles. It was nap time when we got home. We will finish taking down the tree this evening and work on the one in the living room tomorrow. Sky got home safely after riding on the bus overnight. Mancil’s chartered bus left VT around 3:00 pm and should be home by 3:00 am tomorrow. They both will be back in school Tuesday morning. I guess young kids can bounce back that quickly. The news from Ukraine is tragic after the weekend attacks. When will it end? Thanks for the visit. Stay safe. "Every tree has its enemy, few have an advocate. In all my works I take the part of trees against all their enemies" -JRR Tolkien

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