
By NightOwl45


Just a short Blip today and not the one I had hoped to write for my 100th Blipversary!

Today’s main Blip - homemade lasagne for dinner this evening. Thankfully it tasted better than it was placed on the plate!

I have had a low fibro pain today but a high stress day. I am happily dressing my foot burn myself and managed after much unnecessary back and forward over the phone to have more dressings etc dropped off at 5pm this evening.

I need to rebook with the practice nurse for my wound check, blood pressure, weigh in and bloods. I cancelled and will reschedule - I won’t bore you with the details.

I spent this afternoon on the phone chasing up some appointments and dealing with some life admin.

I have an appointment tomorrow for support with my daily living needs. I’m hopeful it will go well.

I haven’t done much Duolingo German revision lessons today as I have been busy with the other stuff so that will get done this evening before bed. I find it relaxes me.

One of my best friends texted me tonight to tell me that his younger sister has had her baby - a little girl. They haven’t decided on a name yet. He is excited to be an uncle again for the third time and so are his niece and nephew, lovely news :)

I laughed myself silly today when I heard on the lunchtime news that the government has proposed banning cakes and other unhealthy, sugary foods from workplace canteens in an attempt to curb the rise in obesity. Ha! 

As a former fatty, I can tell you that is utterly laughable! They can still buy cakes and other unhealthy foods on the way home from work. Who dreams up this nonsense? A clever distraction from the more pressing issues methinks!

Moreover, people can choose to eat cake or not eat cake in the office if it’s someone’s birthday or they get promoted just like I did when I worked in offices when I was both slimmer and chubbier. Give me strength!  Managing your weight comes down to willpower, balance and personal choices. Vilifying any food is very unhealthy. Plus, how would they enforce such a policy? Would they have to recruit “Cake Police” Cadets? Ha! 

Today’s extra is of a photo I found on my iPad today of Harris, the dog of friends of mine who live in Cumbernauld in Scotland. 

Beautiful boy, isn’t he? I thought it might cheer you up if you’re a dog lover like myself, especially given it’s January and it’s bloody freezing! Look at that blue sky, puffy white clouds, lush green grass and that adorable wee face!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Wednesday. I am going to continue catching up with stars, comments and hearts tonight :) xx

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