Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today I went out on an adventure to collect some things for my journals. The message board I blipped some days ago also had this typewriter. I couldn't get it out of my mind and got a comment on instagram that gave me the idea to just go in and pick bits of the board. Bits that were left from ads and things longe gone. The board is thick with bits of papers, some rusty from the staplers that's been there through rain and snow. 
First, I took some photos of the board. Parts I liked the most, like the one in the blip, but with my DSLR. Then I got to work. I had a paper bag with me and started loosening paper scraps from the board, and I also managed to get this typewriter some what whole off the board. I'm sure people wondered what I was doing, since this board is placed by a railway crossing and there was a train passing by when I stood there. One woman asked me what I was doing and I tried to explain to her about art journaling. It's not that well known in Sweden, so she had no idea. But, she'd thought the other day when she passed this board, that it was like an artwork, and now she found me here. She thought that a bit of a funny coincidence. :) As I continued I 'felt' another person humming around me, wanting to ask, but not knowing how to I guess. When the person was on my other side I took a few steps away and turned to face the person. He had a cigarett in his mouth and spoke to me at the same time, so I had to back away because my lungs don't like smoke... I had no idea how to explain to him what I was doing, I think I just waved the smoke away and explained that I was allergic. He was very apologetic and wished me a very nice day. I thanked him and wished him the same. Then I went to the bus to go home. Now all of the pieces are laid out to dry. Perhaps I'l try to remove the outer layer of dirt or I'll cover the pieces with glue when I've glued them down where I want to place them. 

The typewriter, I have plans for. :) I'm not sure about the copywrite so I can't share it with others, but I'm going to scan it so I have a copy, then glue it down and I'm thinking of making some kind of kintsugi with it... where the 'lost' areas are filled in with gold acrylic paint. Kintsugi is normally used on ceramics and such, but I've seen it being made on paper too. Not like the one I'm making, with a broken piece, but with purposely  crumbled up paper.

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