A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Sparrow, Sparrow on the wall!

What are you doing?

This little Sparrow has just succeeded in catching an insect from our house wall. If you look in large you can see it's legs and wings in it's mouth.

I had just popped out of the kitchen and saw it hopping about in the wall above the door.
I have never seen this before and went in to get my camera. It was very busy flitting about but I managed to get about half a dozen reasonably clear shots.

Chris said it was looking for insects and sure enough when I downloaded them this one clearly showed the captured booty. I had just been debating whether to go out to search for a blip when out popped this opportunity. Another surprise bird shot. Good job really as the rain is back with a vengeance.

It is a bit difficult to tell it is on the pebble dashed wall but you can see it more clearly in these two shots:
Sparrow insect hunting
Sparrow on the house wall

It is exactly one year ago since John got down on his knees on Achnahaird Beach to propose to my daughter Grace. now they are busy with their wedding planning for August - Happy engagement anniversary G & J! Also the house pictured last year on this day with it's roof off is still not finished but now has 3 storeys!

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