View from the hill (Day 2814)

An early start this morning because my beautiful wife was heading off to catch the ferry for a day of hoss stuff.
I took Sigyn out in the dark and the rain for her morning wander. She expressed her enjoyment by destroying some heather stems.
After breakfast I headed to town and did the weekly shopping, and after unloading at home headed to the horses to feed them and give them a check over. Coffee with Mum and Dad, then home to get Sigyn out again. We were lucky with the weather and the rain stayed off til we got home.
After lunch I did a bit of paperwork, then washed the van before heading to the horses again. This time I remembered to take tools to repair the post that our water tap is fixed to. I spent a while in the field scratching all of the herd before coming home as darkness fell.
More paperwork awaits...

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