Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

I was listening in bed to the radio commentary of Andy Murray’s match this morning. He lost the first set 6-1, so I thought his six hour match a day or so ago had caught up with him, and it’d be a walkover for Bautista Agut. But he started winning games in the second set. So I had to get up and watch it. He lost in four sets, but oh my goodness, what a fighter he is. So many long long rallies, how he kept going I don’t know. I have renewed admiration for him.

Elizabeth took Archie off for the day, so we headed into town for a dander. We fancied a wee drink, but the brand new Gleneagles Townhouse, which looked fantastic, was full. So we nipped up on the lift to Harvey Nichols restaurant, which was mobbed too, but we got seats in the sun by the window. The balcony was locked, nobody out there, but I wanted to take a photo, so a helpful waiter opened up the big glass doors for me to pop out. The sun wasn’t in the right place, but it’ll have to do.

From there we had a browse round JL, where I got a couple of new nighties, something I haven’t done for a long time. All the food places were mobbed, but we wanted to try Gordon Ramsay’s new burger place. The queue was fast moving, and we soon got a seat. And we enjoyed our choices (a chicken one and a vegetarian one) which we cut in half and shared. I spotted an exciting dessert: Bottomless ice cream - £4. But would you know it, the bottomless ice cream machine had just broken down! The nice waitress was most apologetic, but went to ‘see what she could do.’ She returned eventually with a dish of non-bottomless (but free) ice cream. But we will go back there.

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