Photos, posters, and pictures

Long-suffering readers of this blog will be entirely unsurprised to read that amongst the general clutter that I acquire, I have a large number of photos, posters, and pictures which have yet to be framed and, thus, live (currently) in a corner next to the bed.

Quite recently, I bought the picture in today's photo for the Minx. It's of The Old Police Station in Salford, and I found it quite by accident on Flickr. History buffs might be interested to know that it was built in 1888. I found this in the Manchester Courier on December 24th of that year:

"The improvements to the Police Department of the Borough (of Salford) have been in a sense extraordinary. At this moment three new branch police stations are being erected, the first new office being situated at the corner of the Station approach and Chapel-street. The design of the structure is Victorian basilican, the plans having been prepared under the superintendence of Mr Arthur Jacob, the Borough Engineer. It is a one-storied structure of ornamental character, and has been built terra cotta.

Accommodation is provided for the usual charge office, and there are three cells for prisoners, the latter being lined with white glazed brick. Special attention has been given to heating and ventilation. At the west end, and forming part of the building, is neat [sic] cabmen's shelter. The total cost of this new station is about £1,600."

That shelter that is referred to was beneath that coned tower, which replaced a chimney. Beneath that chimney was a brazier, where the look-out could sit and stay warm whilst looking along Chapel Street, watching out for troublemakers! But it also looked out over the Flat Iron Marketplace (which I assumed was a reference to the shape of the building).

Anyway, back to the photo... This morning we took it to the framers in Chorlton (who previously did an excellent job with my both my Phil Oakey and Kraftwerk pictures), and, as it was quiet, they framed it while we went across to the Unicorn to do some shopping.

So, now I have a plan for taking them a picture a week. They've no idea what's coming!

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