"I get knocked down..."

There's so much construction going on in Manchester, it's everywhere you look. And, of course, putting up a building is not a quick job. You get to watch the buildings going up over a period of time.

The demolition that makes way for all that construction is a different kettle of fish. One day there's a building on the corner and the following week it's gone. Today, though, on the way back from lunch with Dom and the Minx, we saw a demolition in progress. I find it fascinating to see all the component parts, ripped open and exposed.

That excitement to one side, I had a good day: a run with my daughter Hannah first thing this morning (see Extra, as I crossed back over the Irwell downstream from Adelphi Wharf); a productive day in the office; 'Nightmare Alley' at the Everyman; and then a nightcap at Hannah's on the way home.

('Nightmare Alley' was a visual feast, only let down by a weak ending to the story.)

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