
I faffed around a bit after OH went to golf and was not sure what to do with myself.  I decided on a swim so headed off to the gym via the farm shop for more Seville oranges.  I did 31 lengths (if I finished on 30 I’m the wrong end of the pool for the steam room) and then ten minutes relaxing dreaming of being on a beach somewhere.

Home after a shower for late breakfast/early lunch then another marmalade making session.  Not sure what I did wrong/different but it didn’t set so will have to boil it up again tomorrow.  OH home from golf and grateful for the warming soup I had made  (butternut squash and carrot with a bit of curry powder to spice it up).   I have been putting off pension paperwork so spent an hour on the phone to Standard life and then did OH tax return.  It didn’t take as long as I thought but I was pleased to get it out of the way before the deadline.

Average Tuesday.

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