
No photos taken today but this is my sister’s grandchildren arriving at Heathrow.  They haven’t been back to the UK for three years and living in California I’m sure they will feel the cold!  We’re meeting up on Saturday which will be fun (and hectic and noisy).

Ordinary day today.  Nails appointment and called into Lidl for soup ingredients.  I seem to spend my life food shopping despite having a full cupboard.  Maybe I should do some food planning but I never know what I want to eat days in advance.

No.1 had a long lie in then nice bath and was feeling brighter in the afternoon so we had a walk.  However the normal footpath had disappeared so her shoes were soaked after walking across a field.  Home to do a bit of life admin and after a frustrating hour, a few things ticked off her list.

OH was as a loose end (no golf, no projects, weather grim) and was getting on my nerves and under my feet.  Thankfully he went out for a few hours to do MIL shopping so I had some space.

Another day done.

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