
BP first thing then home. My brother was coming for lunch and I had made soup yesterday. No1 and S went off for a stroll along the river while I laid the table and made lunch. OH home from golf so we sat and chatted and had soup and cheese. We sat in the sitting room after lunch with the fire alight. My brother is a sweetie - so kind, intelligent without boasting, wise and great company. I love spending time chatting with him and wish I had half of his knowledge and common sense. Good news to hear that Erin (daughter who won poetry competition has been accepted to study at Cambridge - first member of the family to get to Oxbridge.

No1 went off for a sleep after S had gone and I continued to sit but was doing some sewing. Phone call from S who told me the news that they were moving to Scotland. Not too much of a surprise and we will visit - OH has not been to Edinburgh so that will be a good opportunity to go there.

Nearly forgot - the picture is of a screen shot of a day course I want to book wonder if M would come but might be too expensive for her? Did wonder if it might be a birthday idea but more (lots) than I would usually spend! Might just go on my own.

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