Getting Your Hands Dirty

Today was cold and very grey, the lovely winter light of the last few days having disappeared almost completely.
As it was such an uninviting day outside I decided it was time to start a task I had been dreading - clearing out our cluttered kitchen cupboards. And since nobody else had volunteered it was up to muggins to get on with it. I've been trying to keep on top of them over the last few weeks, particularly following our recent mouse invasion - but since capturing eight (!!) of the little blighters a couple of weeks ago we haven't seen sight nor sound of our miniature furry friends, so it was time to do a deep clean.
I was still finding some mouse 'deposits' right at the back of the cupboards and some particularly egregious examples of out of date cans and jars of foodstuffs (some shamefully dating back to 2018!).
These were not the actual marigolds I used, these particular examples have been used by another family member for gardening (no idea why when we have a perfectly good set of gardening gloves!) but I have used a bit of dramatic licence to illustrate how I felt by the time I'd finished (our cupboards weren't quite that dirty!). 
I added the feather for composition purposes. That's how exciting my day was! :-)

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