It's a new dawn, a new day

I started the day feeling quite sad because I'd just learned that my friend Venus had died and wouldn't be around to see this wonderful sunrise or any like it ever again. Venus is possibly the kindest person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I was introduced to her by another friend, Annette - you can see them together in this blip from 2012. Annette and Clara both died the following year, so this is a special photo for me. Venus wouldn't have wanted me to be sad at work, so I cheered myself up by remembering how much joy and love she packed into her life, and determined to be inspired by her to be a better person.

During the morning, a group of cafe staff had the privilege of attending a class to learn BSL (British Sign Language). That will surely be useful in our work. 

I had a relaxing sauna after work and then a quick foray to the shops. I'm not going to go anywhere at all tomorrow...

I took this photo when I was walking down the drive this morning. If you compare it with a similar one I took 10 days ago at the same time of day, you can appreciate how much lighter it is. We will soon be getting up to find sun streaming in at the windows!

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