
By LifeLines

Light and Space

The weekend has been spent having a clear out of household textiles, clothes and books. It wasn’t planned but house was feeling full and I felt the need to simplify and create order! There is still a little more to deal with but I’ve made several trips to the charity shops and donation banks so it is feeling much better, to me anyway.

I’ve also been continuing the process of trying to help Merlin overcome his allergies. Today his bed has been thoroughly cleaned, and all his toys and blankets washed. He is also on a simple diet of chicken and rice, and has started a number of supplements which support healthy skin and the immune system. I plan other things too but we need to take it gradually.

Whilst doing my rummaging through cupboards today I came across this little painting created by my paternal grandfather.

Hope you’ve had a good weekend. Here we can notice the lighter mornings and evenings. The birds are quite vocal now too and I’ve spotted a blue tit investigating the bird box in the garden.

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