Cold Sunshine

A windy day of gales. It was raining this morning, cleared to a sunny afternoon, wintery showers this evening, and cold. Some stunning colours at sunset. 

Up early.  Headed to work, late shift in the airport.  All flights made it in, even with the windy day.  Not so busy with passengers heading south, but plenty arriving, most flights up were full.  I've been meeting and boarding flights most of the day. Walkies with Sammy, and now an early night.

It was fine to see some sunshine after a rainy morning, and I had a brisk blustery walk along the beach at lunchtime.  We've had a busy day with passengers arriving to Shetland, I'd think most are here for Lerwick Up Helly Aa, which is this coming Tuesday.  You could spot the tourists, they weren't ready or used to such blasts of winds when disembarking the aircraft.  Thank goodness some have seen some sunshine, not a very nice welcome coming here to gales and rain.  Taken at West Voe, Sumburgh.  

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