
By Yeda

Hey, little Chick...

Took the kids over to a friends house for a play and to check out their
6-day-old chicks.

Speaking of...

Yesterday, Lewis, my six-year-old, asked me, " How do you play Spin The Bottle?"

I was honest, but simplified the version I had learned in my more hormonal years. Yes, the teenage years. Then it occurred to me to ask why he wanted to know. I guessed it was something he may have read in his Essential Calvin & Hobbs book.

"Samantha asked me to play with her and a few other girls during recess."

I had Samantha over for a play-date, that sly little vixen!

He continued , "They chase me and try to kiss me. Do you know what The Refrigerator Kiss is?"

I was scared to ask, but had to know, "What is it?"

"It's very wet", he replied with a curious smile spreading across his face.

"How gross!" was all I could think of to say.

Keep running, my little chick!!

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