
By Madchickenwoman


Yesterday evening I began to get severe abdominal pains - an hour later I was on the toilet with Oscar laying on the floor watching me! Made a change from me watching him have a poo! I messaged Vegan Jo as any reactions I have she writes up. She told me that she had linked my mouth and anus! Who needs a colonic irrigation when you have  a friend who can do reflexology!!!
I felt fine today and had a long walk with Oscar through the woods. It always amazes me at this time of year to see the swathes of snowdrops in the woods. It's quite beautiful. They seem to favour one side of the valley - not where the extra photo of Oscar is! Apparently they favour partial shade so that probably explains it! I also found out " Its Latin classification, Galanthus nivalis, literally means ‘milk flower of the snow’."
When we got to the river I was pleased to see the owners of the pontoon where the swans always make their nest, rescuing it from where it had sunk in the river. I saw it was missing last week and was worried about where the swans would nest this year!
I had a strange caller at my door today - a woman looking for the neighbour who used to live next door. Apparently she was his sister and had not seen him in 20 years - she had written to him but had no reply. I sadly had to inform her he died 4 years ago.I also had to tell her his wife had died previous to him. I told him that his godson had looked after him - she replied she didn't know he had one! I told her I would try to get his contact number and she gave me hers. She said "Families eh?" They were not a happy couple and  I can only guess some  family feud must have made them lose contact. 

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