Runaway pony

Partly sunny day +23c degrees and wind. Swallows have arrived today to us!

Evening drive to the country, to the rental cottage area. On the way home, we noticed this small brown and white runaway pony. It lives in the neighbour field with his horse friends, we have noticed.

My daughter wanted to try to help it back to the corral. No halter no nothing, and this is a strange pony...Friendly? No idea... I was not sure about this idea, but as the pony noticed my daughter it came straight to her and was so very friendly - and finally almost run back with her to the electric fence to get back to his pony friends.

There is few photos more of the situation. And some summer scenes trom our journey too.

Thanks for nice comments and stars to the yesterday's birch and sun blip - and have a relaxed weekend you all!

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