Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


I’ve had a lovely time with Ma Booknerd. We’ve got some jobs done, had walks along the prom, been into Chichester to do some shopping, and eaten lots of treats! It’s been chilly but the sun has shone pretty much throughout.

Today we went for coffee outside at our favourite beachside café and the sun provided so much backlighting that I had to use the flash to capture this shot. 

Afterwards, I was sad to bid her adieu and head back home to Merseyside. Thanks to my mum for a lovely, restful few days.

In other important news… M’s surgery has been unexpectedly brought forward by a week and will be happening on Monday, which has caught us both off guard, so I’ll be heading back over to Manchester next week to help her through this next step of her journey. 

Meantime, here are the Ramones with ‘Rockaway Beach’

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