From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Sing with me, sing for the year....

Actually, on second thoughts, let's not start singing. With the Eurovision Song Contest being held tomorrow night, I expect the weather is going to be dreadful all weekend.

What news is there today? Nothing really. I got an odd thing in the post this morning. I thought it was a laminated road map or fancy coaster with a map of the London Underground on until I spotted the '74bpm', my name and the name of the consultant I had seen at the hospital last week. Hmmmm. Just what I've always wanted - a souvenir shiny edition of my ECG scan. 74 beats per minute is my usual heart rate and the regular pattern going across the laminated card was the proof I was definitely dancing my own tune I suppose! I wonder if people collect these things? Maybe the hospital would send me some more copies and then I could give them to people like business cards saying 'Here's my card,' with a wink and grin adding 'I'm definitely alive and have all my own teeth!'


Oh well. Just be glad I saw this sweet little fellow in the feed dish today to save you from a picture of my ECG and the Guinness advert with Rhythm of Life but instead I have decided on this great Aerosmith track inviting you to sing - Dream On..

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