
Well, it couldn't last forever. Audrey's gorgeous mood dissipated today. She wasn't off as such, just a little temperamental - crying if I walked into another room, getting frustrated easily etc.

I swear she has hayfever (to add to my long list of anxious first time Mum hypochondrias) as her eyes were red/streaming and she was sneezing. Do babies get hayfever? Is it even possible?

I had to work today and strike the delicate balance between answering emails and calls, writing a proposal and being a Mum. It is never easy.
I made a makeshift office in the front room and would dive on the laptop whenever Audrey was napping or playing. At one stage I was upstairs crawling with her (she loves it if you crawl too) when my phone rang so I almost threw her behind the safety gate and shut a door to take a call. In the background I could hear her wailing and rattling the gate. I felt terrible but needs must at the moment.

At 4pm I'd had enough so we went out for a long pram walk through the woods (see blip pic). I miss my long walks. Time to bring them back now the weather is...well, time to bring them back in any case!

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