Blue sky and reflections

So nice to see blue sky this morning. We went to Bushy Park and this is in the Woodland Gardens. There were lots of snowdrops and also daffodils too. Nice to see lots of people out for walks, many with their dogs.

I have spent a long time today doing a photobook of our grandchildren from September 21 onwards. So far I am up to February 2022! I’m hoping to complete it tomorrow, up to December 2022. I have done a couple before to include photos from birth as although they take lots of photos, which they forward to me,  neither of my children get around to doing photobooks or albums! 

Walked to a friends house this afternoon and was sad to see a local pub is shut. The Lion in Hampton Wick which we used to visit lots about 10-15 years ago when it had a great ‘French’ menu, good quiz nights, nice garden and a splendid New Years Eve Dinner. It was taken over by a different person and they did very boring burger and chips type things which were not even that well cooked so I imagine trade fell off.

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