Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Friday — Below the Pier

As the afternoon transitioned into evening, we found ourselves out lookey-louing. We thoroughly enjoy short sight-seeing trips to look at the waves and/or the boats and seeing the sunset from various locations here on Estero Bay.

This morning our patio room construction came to a standstill as our lead construction guy decided that the measurements for the room were problematic. He called for a supervisor of the company to come here to resolve this issue. Our nerves are more than a little jangled; This was a room that was supposed to be built in two weeks or less; construction started Thursday, January 26. There have been many days no work has happened at all. We are scheduled to go to SoCal this Saturday. We have now postponed that.

And now the 3-day weekend has arrived. Our little beach town is full of visitors.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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