New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Adenia Spinosa

We're still on hols this week. P had to head into town for the evening so we decided to make a day of it.  A bit last minute, I got us tickets to the current Play, a Pie and a Pint at Oran Mor and we had a bit of a mooch in town day.

The play today was excellent called 'Until its Gone' which was about two blokes who were mandated to meet under a compulsory state scheme to build connections after all the women dissappeared.  It was darkly funny and also quite touching and thought-provoking.  Some parallels with climate change too - 'you were there, why didn't you do anything about it?' which I'm sure will be a question I get asked by future generations, and likely my answer will be just as lacking as the character's in the play. If you get a chance, go see it- I think it's heading to the Burgh next. 

Following the play we went round the Botanic Gardens and had a look at the plants.  I got some artsy shots of some ferns doing their golden ratio thing, but the blip goes to the Adenia Spinosa which had got the Waymond Wang treatment and tickled me.  I had filled my pockets with moneky nuts followng a tip off from our new recruit at work, that the squirrels in the botanic gardens would take nuts from your hands.  Lo and behold, the squirrels did take nuts from your hands, and also attracted a flock of pigeons who were not careful about your personal space.  P very much enjoyed having a load of birds landing on him and even had one stay on his shoulder in the hope of a peanut for a good length of time.  I got slightly alarmed by the squirrel which looked like it was gonig to climb up my leg to see what I had in my hands....that was a step too far.

The evening ended with me reading a new book in a coffee shop whilst waitng for P - all in all a pretty good day.

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