Post Sunset

Today has been a garden day.  I cleared out the large bed in the garden and removed 4 wheelbarrows-full of gravel from the top if it.  Was glad I did this before speaking to the topsoil people as otherwise I wouldn't have ordered enough!  We also helped our neighbour trim a dead bit from their tree which overlooks our garden and I dug out a wee spot to plant by bargain fruit canes inonce the soil arrives next week.  Then followed a trip to the dump to get rid of some of the last bits in the garage that the previous house owners left whilst P had a climb.  Forgot tomatoes from yesterday's shop which was a mistake as there wasn't a single one to be found in the supermarket.  M&S had a few left which I nabbed, but it really feels like taking back all that control from Brexit was totally worth it...

Missed the highlight of the day which was Odo fighting with next door's cat and our lovely neighbour breaking them up "you have to get used to other cats being around - this is his house!". It sounded pretty sweet for a cat fight.

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