Multi exposure cityscapes

Friday 24th February 2023

I had the idea of going in to Leeds on a photo expedition - A) to push myself in street photography B) to try some multi-exposure. I went in on the train and enjoyed my walk around the centre. I'm certainly not cut out to be a street photographer and I also didn't really see anything that attracted me. 

I concentrated on experimenting with multi-exposure and realised it is easier said that done to create something that still looks pleasing. I'm going to research this genre a bit more. I am pleased with a number of shots I ended up with and have put some more in extras, I'd be interested to know what you think. 

Everything had gone well until I got on the train back. Unfortunately there was a problem with a bridge on the line and there was a delay. As it had only just happened they weren't sure whether it would be 10 mins or an hour. I decided to get off and catch a bus. Finding the right stop was a challenge, but it did result in the above picture as I went into the Corn Exchange on my way to the bus stop. With a delay on the bus as well, I was an hour later than intended getting back.

After lunch I set off across the Pennines. What a terrible journey! It was just one major traffic jam from beginning to end and took 3hrs, twice as long as it should have.

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