How Silly

Mancil worked on his photographs when he got home late last night. He listened to an audio book at the same time. Just that drone of “noise” from up in his room kept me awake until about 1:30 am when I finally asked him to turn it off. Sure hope the lack of sleep doesn’t affect me at tonight’s Mass. Brooklyn had goalie practice at 9:00 this morning. We left early so we could get donuts and coffee at Dunkin. On the way home, I had to take a photo of this silly snowman. You have probably noticed that I rarely participate in Silly Saturday. Acting “silly” was frowned on when I was a child and consequently, I have a terribly small sense of humor. But this snowman needs to be published. When we got home, I made goulash (requested by Brooklyn) for lunch. It is also Lauren’s most asked for treat so I made a huge amount and shared it with her. Hubby interrupted cleaning his study closet to bring us copies of Mancil’s scholarship essays. Kim asked me to review them but I needed paper copies and their printer wouldn’t work. Today is baby Isla’s first birthday. Mancil is doing a photo session with them. Her party is next weekend. I came home in time to get ready for Mass. We’ll have the smoked ribs for dinner and I will probably go to bed early. Hoping you had a fun Saturday. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. “Most of us would be upset if we were accused of being "silly." But the word "silly" comes from the old English word "selig," and its literal definition is "to be blessed, happy, healthy and prosperous." - Zig Ziglar

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