Salford Cathedral

Salford is an odd city inasmuch as it doesn't have a city centre per se. I mean, there's Bexley Square, where you will find the old Town Hall (and the School Of Electronic Music), but the main shopping area, Salford Precinct is a couple of miles away from there. It is, for want of a better word, distributed.

What is just up the road from Bexley Square is Salford Cathedral, which is a fine building, and I was envious of Hannah and the Minx going there for Christmas Carols last year.

We walked past it this evening on our way to The Everyman, which is currently running its 'Throwback' season of classic films from the eighties and nineties. Tonight's film was 'Heat', which I saw when it came out and remembered as being pretty good.

As they do from time to time, The Everyman laid on pizzas, hot dogs, and a free drink for the film, which set us up nicely. And the film was way, way better than I remembered it: great cast, of course, and a very satisfying story, although it was one of those where I found myself rooting for the bad guy.

On the way home, the Minx and I tried to guess what year it was filmed based on the music and the size of the mobile phones. I looked it up when we got home and we'd been pretty close; it was released in 1995.

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