York House - Twickenham

This morning I went for a walk in Twickenham around York House and Gardens, some of the nearby historic streets and along the river by Eel Pie Island. The building is York House which since 1965 has been the home of Richmond Borough Council where meetings take place and lots of events including weddings etc in the big rooms. I did not know it’s previous history but a bit of research told me the central part was built in the 1630’s and other parts have been added over the years by various rich owners. The last private owner was Sir Ratan Tata, an Indian industrialist who I think was one of the founders of Tata vehicles still made in India. He died in 1918 and the property was acquired by the Twickenham Urban District Council in 1923. It became the main offices of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Many of the office staff work in another more modern building nearby. 

A mixed day weather wise, some sun, some rain lots of rain and cold. When we went to Bushy Park this afternoon we had to go back to the car quickly when rain started again.

Good news…I have finished my Photobook today…I just need to get my daughter to check it tomorrow and then I will order three copies, one for us and one for each of my children as it is a good record of lots of events during the last year and a bit including holidays and school events.

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