
I spent the morning gardening - more tidying and pruning. I used the long twigs from an old apple tree to make a framework around the peonies and poppies to support them when they start to grow, something I'd seen on FB looks nicer than bamboo canes.

This afternoon, Joanna and I took Jess and Moss on a walk up Steilston Hill, which we all enjoyed, and Joanna and I had so much catching up to do that I never took a single photo! So I took this one of he snowdrops by the front door when I got home. They are beginning to fade now, but the crocuses are emerging and the daffodils almost ready to flower.

I've spent the last hour or so writing up some of the story of our house and its owners. When I was away last week, a couple called here asking about it, as they are writing a book about the origins of rugby football and it may have been invented by the man whose daughters lived here in the 19th century (rather than by William Webb Ellis as is popularly believed...) Speaking of which...what a pity that France played so well :-(

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