The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Grown Up Girl

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It’s The Youngest Mini Princess’s 18th birthday!

We had a very happy few hours sitting at the table with her opening presents, Murphy ripping up the discarded wrapping paper and having pancakes for brunch.

YMP went off to hang out with a friend in the afternoon and had arranged to meet us later for dinner in Harmonium (a vegan bar/restaurant). As we walked down Broughton street to the restaurant, The Prince and I took a trip down memory lane and pointed out the bar we met (worked) in to The Eldest Mini Princess.
“I thought she was the rudest person in the world,” The Prince joked.
“Then she had some sense knocked onto her by that car and her chat was better?” EMP asked laughing
“No, it was because she was wearing a cropped top”.

Two of us thought that was hilarious!

We had a lovely dinner and YMP seemed to have had a good day. The Prince and I have now managed to rear 2 humans to adulthood. Job. Done. That’s how parenting works isn’t it?


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