One click at a time

By KeithKnight

May Challenge - Happy

Day 19 of DDW's May daily challenge - Happy

I spent all day today at another advisory day for the RPS distinctions. I had my potential ARPS panel there and received some useful comments and advice. A few images swapped around and a few tweaks for some others to be done, but looking promising. There were some great images from some of the people there, whether going for LRPS or ARPS.

Definitely a day well spent, and a happy outcome for me too, a minimal amount of work to be done before I have to send the panel to the RPS in Bath.

This is the rearranged panel, with Richard Walton, one of the advisers (and a hint of Ann Miles, the other advisor in the bottom right corner). Not a shot that is anywhere near ARPS standard, but it records the changes in layout, and I'm happy with that.

Just got up to date with my blips yesterday's is here and Friday's is here.

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