One click at a time

By KeithKnight

May Challenge - Self Portrait

Day 20 of DDW's May daily challenge - Self Portrait

Those who have seen my previous self portraits will be well aware that there is one side of the camera that I am happy on, and it's not in front of it! That doesn't stop me from doing a SP, it just means that you only get a portion, never the whole (unless it's distorted or hidden in other ways).

With no middle name, and both names starting with the same letter, I share my initials with King Kong. I'll let you decide which of us is better looking, King Kong may appear hairier, but I have been told that I have skin coloured hair, so are you sure?

A company recently sent me some literature and in the address they had added an extra K as a middle initial, making me match the Klu Klux Klan, I have less in common with them than with King Kong. So this is me with my finger hovering over the well used K key.

I booked today to go to Yosemite next year with JohnGravett, part of my big 6-0 commiserations celebrations.

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