Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Emerald acrylic scarf. A current knitting project

The Feast Day of St. TIBBA.
Monday is wash day so that occupied some of my morning.
After an early breakfast and some time listening to Pastor Joseph Prince, Paul, and me decided to avoid what could be bad weather afterwards and walk for a while in our near neighbourhood. I saw one black cat, a kind friendly one, strolling by.
It is the 31st anniversary of my dear Dad passing away in 1992 on this day. I miss him sadly less as the years unfold and pass but I still love him and always remember this life leads on to more life in the invisible beyond our reality here on this Earth. He was brought up to believe in the Catholic teachings and eventually returned to Church after many struggles.
The weather is not unmercifully cold. It is overcast, with sun as a hazy sphere above the roofs.
Not much else to say.
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